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European Cybersecurity Challenge

The European Cyber Security Challenge (ECSC) has developed into a European success story over the past eight years. In cooperation with 35 European nations and the European agency for network security ENISA, this competition model could be anchored as a constant in Europe´s CyberSecurity strategy.

The objectives of the ECSC related to cyber security are:

  • to inspire teenagers/young people for the topic
  • to support them in their training
  • to support them in their career paths
  • to create and increase awareness of cyber security in Europe

In 2022, over 37,000 young talents from across Europe and the rest of the world took part in national cybersecurity challenges run by local organizations to qualify for the ECSC European Championship finals in Wien or to attend the digital Open European Challenge. As a European beacon competition, the ECSC should also support the respective national organizational units in promoting and operating their national competitions.

To inspire even more people for this topic and to strengthen the objectives of the ECSC in the long term, the openECSC was designed and is planned for 2023 alongside the ECSC.

ECSC Image