Emergency Services
🔥 Fire ☎ 110​
👮 Police ☎ 112​
☎ 112 is used for emerginecies only. Use ☎ 02800 for non-emerginecy queries or reports.
See the police web site for more information.
🩹 Medical ☎ 113​
☎ 112 is used for emerginecies only.
Non-emerginecies should in normal office hours, 08:30-15:00, be brougth to a local medical center. The four closest ones are:
- Disen legesenter ☎ 62 52 01 00
- Innlandet legesenter ☎ 62 55 54 00
- Hamar legesenter ☎ 62 54 20 40
- Legehuset Nova ☎ 62 55 00 80
Outside offce hours and in weekends non-emerginecy medical issues are handled by the Out-of-hours medical service ☎ 116117.